Friday, May 30, 2008

artificial beauty

more often than not, women do the best of their abilities to be recognized, to be appreciated, to be praised of what they are made of and even of the things that they are not to the extent of pretending to be someone they're not.

to be a woman is to be composed of complex emotions.

to be a woman is to be stereotyped as weak and the lesser person from the men in our society.

as for women who knows no level of their worth but how their faces are metamorphosed with the aid of cosmetics. several women think that their level in the society is better based on the beauty and the magic that make up has done even with an empty shell on her head. it's such a demeaning perception of men towards women!

how sad it is to see women who try their hardest effort just to please men and to capture attention. they paint their faces and dress so tight like an impervious object. they flirt to death with men, making themselves cheap. what a shame! worse than that, they pretend to be someone thy're not. they take ownership of things that never happened just to be noticed.

well, what about the smart and potential women leaders who want to make a difference? thus, it is imperative to maximize ones effort to focus more on the things that elevate ones kind in our society. what drives most women leaders is the challenge they have taken, the sacrifices and the hard work they have given which brought them to where they are at present...

---that it is NOT on what you can only see in the physical attributes (that is oftentimes, misrepresented and faked!).
---that real beauty surfaces with a natural face and a sharp-witted mind!
---that being a woman of intelligence and skills contradicts and questions every false perception on women.

and so i'll leave women readers a question to ask yourselves..
are you genuine or are you the artificial kind??? ^^

Thursday, May 29, 2008

curtains down

i've been to many blogs and it's not easy to be discreet about
oneself. i have stalkers who just couldn't get enough. it's not
something to be proud of. some of my friends think it's pretty
fancy and cool. well, i don't. i simply want to be left alone. if they
want to know me, then they must communicate with me. now i've
got to start living back to my old treadmill of things.

for such a long time i view men as perverts (sorry men readers
^^ ) and i felt disrespected when they do things like that. i had
this negative perception with men and their motives. pretty
much my high school background influenced it. i studied in an
exclusive school for girls. it was an RVM congregation and i was
used to saying prayers during the morning and noon. can you
imagine that?! yeah, i was the prayer leader ^^ and the soloist in
our school choir, aside from our community parish. so all i did was
academics, organizations ( choir, thespian club, student body,
CAT officer). thoug i was boyish and my bestfriend was a boy, i
couldn't link a man's positive traits as a friend to a suitor. so
whenever some guys show interest in me, when they started
researching about me in school and they make moves, i freaked

i always remember that whenever i freak out out of guys looking
for information about me on line. yes, they do exist! and i just get this bad feeling about men (in general) whenever
someone stalks me. i feel betrayed. i've experienced one time, my
yahoo account was hacked! and when i came to see my sis at my

mom's place, she was like "why are you here?" i blurted out "is
there something wrong with visiting you?!" and she was frantic
and she said "well come on, i am still talking to you over YM!" she
deliberately shut the door of the shower inside her room and i
was shaking when i approached her desktop computer. yes, i was
on line like hell, who is using my yahoo!!! so i had to delete my
poor old account. =(

luckily, i have friends who helped me get through it.
this is just an episode of my experiences with "stalkers" and its
effect on my outlook towards men in general.
i love writing and talking. ^^ and so i've found time to create a
new blog. i am hoping i'll be okay here.