as they say when trust is broken, you can work it out to mend it but the full trust is impossible to build again. it is truly difficult to understand how someone who means so much will keep something so NOT HIM! yeah, a total contradictory of what he presented to you.
i just know some couple who are trying bring those pieces together but it seems that the person who broke the trust isn't doing something worth believing, nothing at all to prove his love and his worth.
and it's just sad now coz all she does is hang on to the pieces that's left and sooner or later, she might let go.
pretty hard for her....
TRUST is built in a relationship when both people are open to learning rather than controlling through anger, withdrawal, compliance or resistance. when our intention is to control rather than to learn about what is loving to ourselves and our partner, we can never trust or feel secure with our partner, because if we can control and manipulate him or her, others can too - and that's scary. only when we believe our partner is with us because he or she wants to be - out of desire and caring, rather than out of fear, obligation, or guilt - will we feel secure and trusting. this only occurs when our intent is to learn about loving ourselves and others rather than to control.
one should not control over the other and she believes in this......
so unless this guy realizes that he should make up fo it, their relationship will evetually fade...
sad but rue......
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