
[my sun-burnt skin! argh!!!!!!]

[sarap asarin ni hawoo! hahaha]
[tata and mark]

[my sun-burnt skin! argh!!!!!!]
[sarap asarin ni hawoo! hahaha]
[tata and mark]
[my boo ^^]
then when we entered the hair studio, it amazed me. i loved it! super cool! here you go with some pics i took with my camera phone, of course, with their permission. ^^
[my boo with his shorter hair ^^]
* Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
now here are 10 things about me:
1. i love to eat [seems not too obvious but it's a fact]
2. i love to cook [my boo is my evidence... 2maba eh..wahaha]
3. music is everything... [can't live without it] and i love to sing...
4. i'm a bit boyish [and there was a time when they thought i was gay! hahaha]
5. before i die i should've bunjee jumped. [mark cant get away with that.. no no no!]
6. i look so snob and later on they find themselves laughing their asses off with me so i hope i'm frienly enough.. :P
7. i love to travel. if only i have all the time in the world... my boo feels the same ^^
8. this is the 8th and this is for my boo. he's everything to me! [cheezzzzy n nman! hahahaha]
9. i used to draw and write but it's been a long time... nkalimutan ko na! haha
10. i love bears... and i've got a lot from my boo now.. ^^
persons to TAG:
= raine
= jc
= poom!
= leo
= diane
= xazel
= jabong
= jenny